Spirit Babies - Part 2
Feeling a little stuck or ready to further propel yourself forward in the spirit baby realm?
The most common questions I received since the last post:
“I initiated connection with spirit baby – I tried what you told me and listened to the recording (Find here) but nothing happened. Why can’t I connect with spirit baby?”
“What if spirit baby isn’t ready to connect with me?”
“I KNOW that spirit baby is there – I can feel them…now I want to truly understand and communicate with them – how do I go deeper?”
“How do I know that this is spirit baby I’m connecting to?”
As humans “expectations” can really get us. We subconsciously set up expectations as to what an experience should look or feel like which in turn can also limit us from seeing or experiencing what we were intended to. If a response doesn’t come immediately or as clear as we would “expect” it to… a slice of doubt trickles in – doubting that they heard, that they are even there, that you have the power to connect – and with this a wave of uncertainty overcomes you – believing that there is a right or wrong way to do this. There isn’t FYI - each of us will find our own way. You will find your own way. In fact, no two humans will have the exact same experience.
This aura photo, captured by Cindy Luffred of Revealing Soul, is picking up on my spirit babies energy and is all about changes, shifts and stepping into my purpose as a mother. Going even deeper - the light blue at the top is related to my throat chakra which I believe is something my daughter has come in to help me heal.
Pause for a moment – close your eyes and take 2 deep inhales and equally as deep exhales. Ask yourself this and WRITE down whatever comes to mind: What was my expectation? What did I expect to happen when I started this connection journey? If I could paint a picture of what I did want to happen – what would that look and feel like?
Re-read what you just wrote and then….
Ask yourself: Am I OK with spirit baby deciding what this connection looks or feels like? Am I ok with letting go of control and trusting? If there is any urge to say no (which is far more common than not), what emotions come to the surface when thinking about surrendering control to spirit baby?
If you can’t already tell, I’m HUGE fan of journaling – it is a great way to tap into your subconscious, and gain divine guidance. This alone can act as a breakthrough to your spirit baby connection.
Journaling allows us to simply acknowledge what is at the surface and what feels like resistance. It allows emotions to feel heard, something ALL of us desire to feel. Although not spirit baby specific, if shifting some of this resistance (aka limiting emotions or beliefs) – is of interest to you, I’d highly recommend looking into my Small Group Hypnosis Series. It is held 1x a month and allows you to experience many of the techniques that I personally have used to move past my own emotional blocks. The series was created as a way to unlock a clearer perspective in all conscious and subconscious encounters.
This photo was captured later in my pregnancy and was showing more of the fear that was coming up around not being able to control the birth and labor experience. My daughter’s energy was showing up on my heart as a way to lead the way towards healing. That beautiful rainbow of colors around my torso was my girl, Miss Kessa Cree.
I too experienced challenges when connecting to spirit babies. All of which has strengthened and encouraged my connection to bloom into something bigger than I could have “expected”. Personally, my connection, started only as images within my meditations and evolved to feelings, physically. I could ask questions and as I listed out potential answers, I would get goosebumps on the ones that I was being guided towards. The communication is never the same, if anything it is exciting to see how it shows up, how it shifts as I shift. In a weird way it validates my own energetic upgrades. Knowing that as I continue to do my own self work attunements – the communication outlets I experience also continue evolve.
I have learned to encourage the communication to change – change means growth, it means movement towards feeling like my best most elevated self.
Tips & insight:
I experienced the most resistance when I treated the spirit baby connection like a job, a task, a chore. There was a period that I was really “busy” and this connection felt more like I “should” do it. It was clear that spirit baby (babies) could feel this and quickly backed off. I was stripping the fun, the play, right out of it. The complete opposite of what any child would desire. Not to mention, how could a child even feel welcome in this world if I was giving off the energy of not having time.
The more I “wanted” the connection, the less it happened. Want has a funny meaning to the subconscious mind. It means lacking, never will have, unobtainable. Not a good approach when desiring to connect to something intangible. As soon as I flipped the “want” into “knowing” or even “desiring” the doors opened up.
How did I change this? I used some self-hypnosis, also saw my own hypnotherapist. Cleared a few limiting beliefs (I am worthy, I am powerful, I am capable, I am divinely guided). I also changed my dialogue – I acted as though I connected with spirit before I even did – I believed it, I lived it. Because what we believe, what we live, what we feel – is what we attract in.
You can implement this change by listening to both of my spirit baby recordings (Journey 1 & Journey 2) on a regular basis – at least 1 of them daily. The more we hear something the more we bring it to life. During the recording, if you experience any resistance in seeing or feeling the imagery write down at what point this resistance comes in. What words are being said? What images are being described? What colors are standing out to you? Consider what about those parts might cause discomfort or a trigger. My 1:1 private hypnotherapy sessions and Small Group Series dives deeper into this.
Different guided imagery recording will resonate with different people in different ways. So if you are feeling resistance towards the first recording, try out the 2nd. There is beauty in options … you have everything to gain by exploring all of them.
The times I felt least connected to spirit babies, was the times I felt least connected to self. These moments were the clearest indications that I needed to go inward first. At times, it was uncomfortable yet it was enlightening. I learned more about myself during this process than I would have imaged. I started by asking myself: What is my biggest fear right now? What is one thing I would change in this phase of life? What is one thing I would heighten or brighten? What is my biggest hesitation in connecting with spirit baby? What could my mind be trying to tell me by challenging me with this connection, or lack there of? If you say I don’t know – follow up with: “If you did know, why would that be?”
Still looking for clarity? During my initial spirit baby communication, I also was doing healing sessions with Cindy Luffred of Revealing Soul . She is a spiritual Medium that channels guides and loved ones from the other side to help you. I can’t simply put how talented she is in words but I think this example will show you the power of her work: I got an aura picture done about 2 months before conceiving and she insisted that a spirit baby was in my aura (she had no clue we were about to start allowing for baby) THEN 2 months later and literally 4 hours after I took my first pregnancy test, she looked at me and said “you’re pregnant”. This was before I even got around to telling my husband. In that same session she was able to connect with 2 of my spirit babies – one being my now daughter Kessa Cree & the other being what I know as a boy spirit baby, who may or may not make his appearance at a later date.