Empowered Birth Experience

Empowered Birth Experience


Birth can be a beautiful, sacred, and empowering experience if we choose to see it that way. 

This imagery was crafted to help your subconscious mind believe in the ease & beauty just as much as you consciously desire to.  

I have seen Guided Imagery play a huge role in creating desired birth experiences for myself as well as hundreds of clients. If you know me, you know birth is a passion of mine. To help women actually FEEL how truly remarkable birth can be. I knew in my heart that there was a recording I was supposed to share with the masses but I wanted to wait for that recording to come about organically and in divine timing. And that it did.

So here we are, with a work of art that is near and dear to me and the many mamas it has impacted along the way. I have crafted this birth recording by combining my own intuitive guidance with hours upon hours of research, private sessions with pregnant mamas, and valuable insight gathered from moving through my own two daughters' births. 

What we repetitively hear and believe is generally what will come true as our reality. Birth is not intended to be planned, nor to be controlled. Each journey is unique in its own way. It’s in our power to decide how we feel and or react to different experiences. This recording serves as a unique opportunity to call in how you’d prefer to feel during birth, no matter what the circumstance.

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Best Practice: Listen to this recording at least 1x a day from 36 weeks on.

The more we listen, the more it becomes part of our subconscious beliefs. Building the knowing that you too are capable of a positive and empowering birth experience. 

A bonus for members: If it aligns with your beliefs, Andrea always pulls an oracle card for her soon-to-be mama clients -- the card is used as an intention, a way to pull us back to the basics and where our attention is needed before we enter the sacred birth space. If you'd like her to pull a card for you, please send her a direct message on the membership platform and say "Birth Card - Intention".

Honored to create this for you and confident your sacred journey will be all that it is intended to be. 

xo - Here with you, here for you.

Healing the Body.png

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Connecting to Spirit Babies - Journey 1

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Breastfeeding Support

Discovering Safety (Crafted for under 5, safe for any age)

Discovering Safety (Crafted for under 5, safe for any age)

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Peaceful Pregnancy
